The kids are growing like weeds. Little Man has moved out of the toddler phase. Yesterday Daddy and I both commented on how he's changed and looks so much more grown up now. He has got the balancing on a bike down, if only he would let me put the pedals back on the bike, he'd be biking in no time. Princess still going to Korean school. She still loves everything girlie and fashiony (fashiony is her word). She seems to be digressing a little in maturity, but she also knows we are getting ready to move again and that she has no say in the matter. She's stubborn, strong willed and gives me a run for my money. Some days I can't seemed to find any way to get through to her. Spy Girl is as active as ever. She hasn't had another seizure for a few weeks, praise YHWH! She is still a tiny little petite girl (or maybe everyone else around here are giants) who loves to read the Warriors series. The longer we're in Korea, the less she seems to want to speak Korean. I don't know if this is because she is so over being in Korea, or if she's much more self conscious about her ability (or lack there of in her eyes) to speak Korean. Either way it's a little sad to see. Maybe she's like me and just hit a wall in her Korean acquisition. Daddy is doing well. He works a lot, and incase he thought he didn't have enough to do, he just started his Master's degree this week. At least it's in a field he loves (Human Factors). I am doing well. I threw my back out yesterday, so I am hobbling along today. it's pretty much just the change in position that causes me the most pain, sitting to standing to laying down to getting up.
Only about 9 more weeks left here in Korea...time to squeeze in a few more camping trips before we leave!
here are 4 pics from Hawaii:
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