Galatians 6:9

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Colossians 1:10

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

Wait, you're what?

We're in the business of raising autonomous adults NOT children here!


  • Letter boxing - Today the kids and I went on our first letter boxing adventure. It was fun. It was cold out. It was a hike. We got to see some unexpected sights too on the...

Meet the peeps

Contestant #1 ~ She is a strong willed, set in her ways redhead. So THAT explains it! She's a follower disciple of Christ, which she's understanding more and more each day what that REALLY means. Sweetie makes the money and she is the Proverbs 31 woman who's been entrusted to manage it. She makes each dollar stretch farther:) This Proverbs 31 woman thing is a learning process, and boy has she learned over these past 10 years! She's been married to Mr. Awesome since July of 2004 with only more love on the horizon. She loves to travel, though it's different with young ones in tow. She's ventured into the realm of organic foods, minimal western medicine, life learning (though I think I'll label it active learning), and recycling as much as she can think of. She loves to take things and re-make/do/purpose them...and really should get into the habit of documenting that kind of stuff. She does a little sewing, crocheting, knitting (not so much), cooking, baking, cleaning (a lot of), gardening (not so much since we sold the house) and organizing (oh how that makes her HAPPY).

Contestant #2 ~ He is AMAZING. Need I say more? He's the rock-star pilot man, love of my life, holder of our daughters' hearts and fellow boxing buddy of our son. He was a follower disciple of Christ before I was (way before I was) so I should let him lead (but alas, I like to do things MY way and it's been a learning process...with MUCH. MORE. LEARNING. NEEDED). He loves me unconditionally. He models the love of Christ way better than I can and really does live the command of Ephesians 5:25-28. He loves to travel too. He likes to study lots of different things. He thinks things through BEFORE diving into something (see, opposites DO attract). He's a teacher at heart and has some homegrown engineering skills too. He's become a runner. He has completed both a marathon and half marathon. He loves to compete in triathlons, but doesn't seem to get to do them often.

Princess #1 ~ She is a lively young lady who seems to want to grow up too quickly! She is a princess at heart and loves all things girly, yet she loves her strong superhero men (like Superman and Obi-Wan Kenobi). Not one to just run off and delve into an unfamiliar setting (with unfamiliar people), but once she is comfortable she spreads her wings and flies away without a hesitation. She surprises us daily with her love of life and learning. She is an awesome big sister and protector of her siblings. She is a blessing from our heavenly Father. She is also a fully fledged triathlete too!

Princess #2 ~ She is a strong willed, set in her ways redhead too. Can we say MINI-ME? She is a shy, princessey girlie-girl. She loves make-up, dresses, anything pink, purple, or sparkly. She loves her big sister and wants to do EVERYTHING she does. She loves her little brother and wants to hug and kiss him all the time. She also is a blessing from our heavenly Father.

Prince Charming ~ He is now an active, climbing, running toddler. He loves to cuddle and then hit you in the face (mixed signals anyone?). He still nurses. He loves to eat whole apples. He loves to give kisses and can be very compassionate at times. He is finally beginning to start talking to us, thought we still get a lot of grunts and whines. He understands so much (and will usually do what he's told), and he repeats a lot of what we say to him.. He's a blessing from our heavenly Father.

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